Information for Artists
Please see below most of the information you might need for submitting work to the Festival, particularly the full terms and conditions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch HERE

What can I submit?
We welcome submissions of paintings, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textile art and sculpture (other media may also be accepted - contact use to discuss). All works must be original, created by the submitting artist and must not breach intellectual property rights.
We will not accept digital print runs (with the exception of greetings cards), but will accept unframed limited edition original prints on which the artist has worked on the printing element or has directly supervised the printing process.
FRAMED PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2D MEDIA, including stretched canvases
£4 per exhibit, maximum of 4 items per artist.
Each framed painting, stretched canvas or photograph must be prepared with eyelets/D rings (securely fixed and held flush with tape to the back of the work), cord and a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name of Artist. Clip frames are not acceptable. The maximum size of framed work we can accept is 80cm x 80cm.
Framed work sold during the Festival can only be collected by the buyer at the end of the Festival.
UNFRAMED PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2D MEDIA (to be displayed in art browsers)
£3 per exhibit, maximum of 6 items per artist.
Each exhibit must be backed on to stiff card, wrapped in clear cellophane and have a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name. These items will not be catalogued, but may be used on the website or for Festival publicity in print or on social media. Please note that stretched canvases will not be accepted as unframed exhibits.
Unframed works sold during the Festival can be removed at time of purchase.
3D MEDIA – Sculpture, glassware, ceramics, stained glass, textiles
£20 for a table (limited availability, so contact us early to book your table);
£20 for a display board (laid across the pews, also limited availability);
£3 per exhibit, maximum number of items determined by size.
If you are booking a table, you may submit as many pieces as will fit on the table. These items will not be catalogued, but may be used on the website or for Festival publicity in print or on social media. Please provide a table covering for your table.
If you are not booking a table, please contact us with details of the approximate sizes of your work, so that we can determine how best to securely exhibit them and how many you may submit.
Each item must be labelled with the artist’s name, title or short description, and price.
£25 per table-top display case, maximum number of items determined by size.
We have space for a limited number of jewellers to exhibit their work. This will be sold throughout the Festival and additional items can be submitted to be added to your display when pieces sell. Please contact us if you would like to submit jewellery.
We may also be able to accommodate your own display case, should you have one; please contact us to discuss this.
£2 per batch of 20 cards, maximum of four batches of cards per artist.
A batch of cards must all be the same price. Each card must be labelled with your name and price.
Full Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions 2024
SUBMISSION DATES: please submit works between 15th July and 6th September.
We welcome submissions of paintings, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textile art and sculpture.
All works must be original, created by the submitting artist and must not breach intellectual property rights.
We will not accept digital print runs (with the exception of greetings cards), but will accept unframed limited edition original prints on which the artist has worked on the printing element or has directly supervised the printing process.
The committee reserves the right to reject work for any reason, which may include, but is not limited to, size, weight (of framed works) or due to limited hanging/display space.
By entering the show, artists consent to images of their art work being used in printed publicity, on the website, in the press and in social media publicity for the Festival.
All work submitted must be for sale. Works with “not for sale” marked on them or deliberately priced so as not to sell will not be accepted.
No lighting which requires a mains power supply will be permitted. Battery lighting may be allowed. Please contact us to discuss this.
FRAMED PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2D MEDIA, including stretched canvases
£4 per exhibit, maximum of 4 items per artist.
Each framed painting, stretched canvas or photograph must be prepared with eyelets/D rings (securely fixed and held flush with tape to the back of the work), cord and a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name of Artist. Clip frames are not acceptable. The maximum size of framed work we can accept is 80cm x 80cm.
Framed work sold during the Festival can only be collected by the buyer at the end of the Festival.
UNFRAMED PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2D MEDIA (to be displayed in art browsers)
£3 per exhibit, maximum of 6 items per artist.
Each exhibit must be backed on to stiff card, wrapped in clear cellophane and have a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name. These items will not be catalogued, but may be used on the website or for Festival publicity in print or on social media. Please note that stretched canvases will not be accepted as unframed exhibits.
Unframed works sold during the Festival can be removed at time of purchase.
3D MEDIA – Sculpture, glassware, ceramics, stained glass, textiles
£20 for a table (limited availability, so contact us early to book your table);
£20 for a flat display board (placed across the church pews, also limited availability);
Or £3 per exhibit, maximum number of items determined by size.
If you are booking a table or board, you may submit as many pieces as will fit on the table (table size 182cm x 69cm, board size approximately 240cm x 60cm)
These items will not be catalogued, but may be used on the website or for Festival publicity in print or on social media. Please provide a table covering for your table.
If you are not booking a table or board, please contact us with details of the approximate sizes of your work, so that we can determine how best to securely exhibit them and how many you may submit.
Each item must be labelled with the artist’s name, title or short description, and price.
You may set up your table or display board between 11am-4pm on Thursday 10th or Friday 11th October, by prior arrangement. The church will be staffed at those times, and closed and locked at 4pm.
£25 per table-top display case, maximum number of items determined by size.
We have space for a limited number of jewellers to exhibit their work. This will be sold throughout the Festival and additional items can be submitted to be added to your display when pieces sell. Please contact us if you would like to submit jewellery.
It may also be possible to use your own display case, if you have one, please contact us to discuss this.
£2 per batch of 20 cards, maximum of four batches of cards per artist.
A batch of cards must all be the same price. Each card must be labelled with your name and price.
All paintings and photographs must be delivered on Sunday 6th October between 2pm and 4pm or on Monday 7th October between 2pm and 4pm
If you have booked a table, display board or jewellery case you may set this up on Thursday 10th October between 11am and 4pm or Friday 11th October between 11am and 4pm, by prior arrangement.
All unsold exhibits must be collected on Saturday 19th October between 2pm and 4pm or on Sunday 20th October between 2pm and 4pm. If you are unable to collect your art at this time, you should provide written authority for somebody to collect it on your behalf.
Purchased art may be collected by buyers between 12 noon and 4pm on Saturday 19th October or 2pm and 4pm onSunday 20th October.
Paintings will be securely stored until hung, so we recommend frame corner protectors for delicate frames.
All submissions, artist’s profiles and fees must be made by Friday 6th September. We reserve the right to close submissions sooner if we are over-subscribed. After this date catalogue entries cannot be changed.
The entry fees (as listed above) are non-refundable and are payable on completion of the submission form.
Please make BACS payments to:
PCC St Marys Church North Mymms
Sort Code: 20-92-54 Account Number: 4069 7559
Reference “Artist [your surname]”
Or make your cheque payable to “PCC St Marys Church North Mymms”
- Catalogue Profile: we require a Catalogue Profile of no more than 300 characters for all artists; it may be featured on our website.
- Website Profile: A fuller profile of no more than 600 characters may be submitted along with images of your work to be included on our website. Please ensure all photos are formatted as jpg digital images, titled with your name and title of the artwork. You may also add website/social media links to your website profile.
A commission fee of 25% will be deducted from artists’ sales, except greetings cards, for which a 10% commission fee will be deducted.
We would prefer to pay your balance by BACS transfer, and will contact you for those details once a sale has been made. Otherwise, we aim to make payments by cheque within three weeks.
North Mymms Arts Festival reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit numbers of exhibits and to reject any work without providing a reason.
Work is NOT insured by North Mymms Arts Festival and artists should make their own insurance arrangements. Art work that is sold remains the responsibility of the artist until the work is collected by the purchaser at the end of the show.
All due care will be taken in handling and protecting your artwork and the church will be locked outside show hours except during church services.
While all measures are taken to protect your work, all work is accepted at the owner’s risk and North Mymms Arts Festival accepts NO LIABILITY.
North Mymms Arts Festival accepts NO LIABILITY to artists if the Art Show is cancelled for any reason.
Your submission form, profile and photograph should be submitted to
or by post to North Mymms Arts Festival, St Mary’s Church, North Mymms Park, Hatfield, AL9 7TN to arrive no later than 6th September.
Important Dates
2024 DATES
Monday 15th July: Artist Submissions open.
Friday 6th September: Artist Submissions close. We must have received details of submissions, fees and your artist profile by this date. We reserve the right to close submissions earlier if we are over-subscribed.
Sunday 6th October 2-4pm: delivery of works to St Mary's Church.
Monday 7th October 2-4pm: delivery of works to St Mary's Church.
Thursday 8th October 11am-4pm: set of tables and display boards.
Friday 9th October 11am-4pm: set of tables and display boards.
Friday 11th October: preview evening. Artists will be invited.
12th-18th October: Arts Festival is open daily from 10am-4pm.
Saturday 19th October 12 noon-4pm: collection of sold work by buyers.
Saturday 19th October 2-4pm: collection of unsold work.
Sunday 20th October 12 noon-2pm: collection of sold work by buyers.
Sunday 20th October 2-4pm: collection of unsold work.
Guidance on Artists' profiles
Advice on Catalogue Profiles
- Catalogue Profile:
You are required to submit a short, written profile that will be displayed in the Festival Catalogue alongside the listing of your work. It should be written about you in the third person, rather than autobiographically, in the first person.
This profile is strictly limited to 300 characters.
We will not include website or social media links in the catalogue, but you may include them for your website profile.
We may edit the profile in order to ensure uniformity of style in the Catalogue.
The following examples may assist you in composing your profile:
- Sarah is from Hertford and is a self-taught artist, specialising in portraiture. She has experimented with several mediums, but now paints mainly in oil.
- James studied at Goldsmiths College gaining a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. He works mainly in watercolour and many of his paintings feature the landscapes of Hertfordshire.
- Barbara has travelled around the Mediterranean, gaining inspiration from the light and colours of Italy, France and Spain. She has exhibited widely at shows in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
- Simon is an art teacher in Harpenden, having studied at Norwich University of the Arts, and paints for pleasure in his spare time. His exhibits in the Festival are mixed media and are inspired by his time travelling in South America.
We may use your 300-character profile on our website. However, if you wish, you may also submit a longer profile (maximum 600 characters) for use on our website as this is less constrained by space. You may also submit a photo or photos of the work you are exhibiting. Please ensure the photos are jpg digital images named using your name and the title of the work. You may also wish to include links to your website/social media profile.
Your submission form, profile and photograph should be submitted to [email protected]
or by post to North Mymms Arts Festival, St Mary’s Church, North Mymms Park, Hatfield, AL9 7TN